Learning to throw my own ceramics

I recently found a potter called Shannon who runs The Crafting Chicken, a pottery shop and studio where she sells her handmade ceramics and offers affordable 1:1 and 2:1 wheel throwing classes. This has always been something I have wanted to learn so I booked myself a day off work for "personal development" and booked... Continue Reading →

Citrus plant care UPDATE

A tough winter had left my once healthy and productive lime plant looking sad and pretty battered (I was even on the verge of chopping it down and composting it, but my husband convinced me to keep it.). After 2 months of following a consistent care regimen detailed here, my lime plant is looking so... Continue Reading →

Collecting rain water for plants

In the UK where we can expect an annual level of about 1000mm of precipitation, or rain. In every garden, it makes sense to have systems in place to catch and store this water for use in watering the plants. This can help minimize our use and reliance on tap water therefore reducing our household... Continue Reading →

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