7 Life skills to master as an aspiring homesteader

Time to read: 5 minutes Homesteading Life Skills: Embarking on a Journey Towards Self-Sufficiency In modern life, convenience is often valued above all. However, a growing number of individuals are taking a step back and rediscovering the profound satisfaction and personal growth that comes from adopting a homesteading lifestyle, whatever home/life circumstances they find themselves... Continue Reading →

Potager Garden

The potager, kitchen garden, or even the veggie patch is finally ready to receive some of the first set of vegetables that were started at various times in the greenhouse, since February. Preparing the beds In my previous videos Step 1 and Step 2, I detail how I prepare the patch from last year and... Continue Reading →

Growing Garlic

Time to read 2 minutes So we had some garlic in the pantry which had started to sprout- the organic kind naturally tend to do that in Spring. So rather than rush to use them up, compromising the taste - garlic tends to lose flavour once they begin to sprout, I decided to plant them.... Continue Reading →

Growing Saffron and what I learned

When I lived in Spain, my husband and I attended a Spanish cooking class. The chef told us something that really piqued my interest in saffron. He said that saffron is the most valuable- and expensive spice in the world. I went home and investigated and found it to be true. What is saffron and... Continue Reading →

How to Grow Wasabi in the UK

Wasabi is a member of the Brassicaceae family and it is very similar to horseradish. It grows from a rhizome in the earth similar to ginger or turmeric and is commonly eaten and grown in the wetlands of Japan.

Comparing the Cost: Buying Organic vs. Growing

Since buying organic fruit and vegetables is way more expensive than the regular range, I thought it would be interesting to actually compare the cost to see if it really works out cheaper to grow your own organic produce. I decided to make the comparison between the humble cucumber and tomato.

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